By Daniel H. Ashkin
I feel that grandparents play essential role in developing their grandchildren confidence and self-esteem. Trust, faith, and assurance come from our grandparents. Because grandparents are old, they tend to live a short time. In this essay, I am going to write the consequences of children who lost their ancestor. I will also talk about my grandparents.

After the Russian soldiers have killed the children’s grandparents in Ukraine, the boys and girls lost hope in their future. Who is going to show kindness, compassion, and empathy to the boys and girls without their predecessor…? Because their ancestors have died in the of Ukraine, the boys and girls will lose hope in a better future for themselves. Before the Russians Soldier have shot the old people, why did they not think about their predecessor growing up…? Will the Russians Soldiers suffer regretful feelings of their atrocity…? How will the soldiers tell their sons and daughters about this tragedy?
When my grandparents were alive, they would lecture me on my good traits. They believe that I could make new friend with other persons. Lou and Anne were my grandparents. I was very intelligent, smart, and care about other persons. When I was sick in the hospital, my grandparents often show compassion, empathy, and kindness toward me. They often call my mother on the telephone about my illness.
After both of my grandparents have died, I began to feel lonely and insecure about myself. When my grandparents were alive, they brought our whole family together with special kindness, empathy and compassion. For an example, the holiday of Passover Seder was great experience during the time they were alive in Hartford CT.
In summary, grandparents play an essential role in the child’s development in growing up to become a young man. In addition, they show love, kindness and encouragement toward your future plans.