Everyday, that's right, every single day, I have to put up with my diagnosis.
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone struggling to figure out the answer to, why do I have this diagnosis, why was I born with it. I sometimes don't get it myself. But at least I have a family that understands me all my life from then till now. I have to be the one to put my best foot forward and start looking at a brighter perspective on having a life with autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is more to life than just looking at yourself as autistic; you have to appreciate life. There is no way to turn back, but you have to go forward in life or there will be no happiness within you. You have to do the next right thing and know you are making a difference in someone's life, like doing something to help another person or an animal in need of help. When I look at the world it needs more love, empathy, and respect for your neighbors besides yourself. When you look at your life and especially for people like me with autism or someone that needs help understanding things, it's hard to do very hard. And sometimes I get frustrated when I can't find the words to say something that you were talking about.
When I see someone getting mistreated, someone like me or anybody. I feel bad but at the end of the day, I forgive. you can't make someone do what you want them to do or change them, so, let it go and pray that they change for the better. That's all you or I could do.

I always help someone in need and I always put my needs second when it comes to helping a charity or a nonprofit or having a good ear for someone who needs someone's understanding of what they're going through. I always believed being a good friend is very important, and a helping hand during hard times when someone needs it the most.
My name is Maggie Jones and I accept who I am and I love myself just the way I am, I love giving to people that need help, and I am a person like everyone else, special. And I am proud to work around my diagnosis of Autism. I also have anxiety and depression. But I don't let my anxiety let me down or make me sad. I'm a person with compassion for writing, art, singing and loving towards a lot of people. I have a lot to offer in my life. I’m autistic, I'm extraordinary in so many ways. And I have a lot to give too of my talents, my skill and understanding for others. I am a person of character and honesty and respect, and I am proud of being autistic.
I will make sure no one walks alone empty handed and I care about people. Just give me a chance to get right what I am understanding cognitively, and I will understand you. I showed what the world needs: love.. Everyone needs to treat each other the way they would want to be treated: with dignity and respect, love and honesty. Share what you have and don't be selfish with anyone, for everyone needs love and understanding with empathy.
And I hope you're proud of me. I have come a very long way. And I made it. I’m working with a magazine called Pittverse, and I’m proud to work with everyone in the magazine. I’ve made new friends and earned money working, something I could not have done ten years ago. I love doing interviews with people for the magazine, and I have done a good few interviews in my time with Pittverse. And I love working because of Pittverse and Progress City. Thank you very, very much for taking the time to let me have my voice heard with the world. Sincerely, Maggie Jones.